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Cryptome Archive 1996-Present


tia-brass.htm         Reporters TIA Portland Brass                     December 31, 2002
urban-hazards.htm     Urban Hazards Forum II                           December 31, 2002

isp-spy.htm           Internet Spying Services                         December 31, 2002
nnsa123102.htm        Relocating Nuclear Weapons Facility              December 31, 2002
nrc123102.htm         Nuclear Power Plant Emergency Operation          December 31, 2002
uscg123002.txt        Coast Guard Hearings on Port Security            December 30, 2002
ustr123002.txt        US Readies Copyright Attack on Canada            December 30, 2002

nara123002.txt        Records for CIA STAR GATE, DTRA Weapons et al    December 30, 2002
usa123002.txt         Army Patent for Anthrax Vaccine                  December 30, 2002
pl-f16-fix.htm        How US Forced Poland to Buy F-16s                December 29, 2002
bressi.htm            Police Checkpoint Incident                       December 29, 2002
doj122602.txt         Beware of Dangerous and Violent Persons          December 27, 2002

dot122602.txt         Beware of Dangerous and Violent Materials        December 27, 2002
itar122602.txt        Beware of Dangerous and Violent Weapons          December 27, 2002
dod122602.htm         Beware of Dangerous and Violent WMD              December 27, 2002
treas122602.txt       Beware of Dangerous and Violent Money            December 27, 2002
treas122602-2.txt     Beware of Dangerous and Violent Insurance        December 27, 2002

af122402.txt          Groom Lake Remains Filthy Dangerous Secret       December 24, 2002
niac122402.txt        National Infrastructure Open Telemeet            December 24, 2002
tempest-leaks2.htm    TEMPEST Leaks at US Army Signal Battalion        December 24, 2002
street-crime.htm      How Wall Street and Its Cops Rob Investors       December 24, 2002
tempest-leaks.htm     TEMPEST Leaks at US Army Crypto Facility         December 23, 2002

fco-hunt.htm          UK Foreign Office Hunts Internet Leaker          December 22, 2002
gilmore-v-usa-drp     Gilmore v. USA - Gov Dismissal Reply             December 20, 2002
fco-ivanov.htm        FCO Reports on Russian Sergei Ivanov UK Visit    December 19, 2002
dodd3600-1.htm        DoD Propaganda Operations Against Allies         December 18, 2002
ussc121802.txt        Sentencing Guidelines of PATRIOT Act             December 18, 2002

bop121802.txt         XXX Material Banned from Prisoners               December 18, 2002
usa-v-elcom-dt.htm    USA v. Elcom/Dmitry Sklyarov Daily Transcripts   December 18, 2002
steen-v-hmg2.htm      HMG Wins Appeal in Steen/Punch/Shayler Case      December 14, 2002
gilmore-v-usa-god     Gilmore v. USA - Opposition to Dismissal         December 13, 2002
proc121202.txt        Prez ODs                                         December 13, 2002

wmd-race.htm          US Pumps WMD Race                                December 12, 2002
fru-claimant3.htm     Witness Statement of KF, Force Research Unit     December 11, 2002
tia-balk.htm          New Tools for Domestic Spying, and Qualms        December 10, 2002
mpaa-v-decss.htm      MPAA Rigs Norway Attack on Jon Johansen          December 9, 2002
dvd120502.txt         Avoid Products of DVDCCA Members                 December 9, 2002

frs120902.txt         Billions for National Security Communications    December 9, 2002
uspto120902.txt       RFC on TEACH Overreach of Digital Copyright      December 9, 2002
nric120602.htm        Plans to Protect US Info Infrastructure          December 7, 2002
dot120302.htm         Bush Hazardous Gas Buddies Warned by NTSB        December 3, 2002
tia-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing Total Information Awareness           December 2, 2002

O f f s i t e 

AUN                   Australia National Security Website /T           December 27, 2002
Bypass                Balloons Bypass Security Devices /J              December 31, 2002
TIP                   The Insecurities Project /WK                     December 30, 2002

Dirty Intel           Money Laundering Intelligence /G                 December 29, 2002
Intel Gem             Terror Assets Hidden In Gem-Buying Spree /D      December 29, 2002
FISMA                 Federal Information Security Act                 December 29, 2002
Aramis                Security breach hits UK Foreign Office           December 29, 2002 
Radio                 U.S. Clandestine Radio Equipment /S              December 28, 2002

CI Agent              Counter Intelligence Agent Home Page             December 24, 2002
FTP                   Voxfux Bushwhacked /S                            December 24, 2002
Home Sick             GAO: Homeland Security SNAFU                     December 24, 2002
TIA Sci               US Homeland Spying Aided by Cyber Scientists     December 23, 2002
Biz v. 1A             NTT/Verio Caves to Killer Dow                    December 23, 2002

MI5                   MI5 could have stopped the bomb going off /T     December 20, 2002
Da                    Elcomsoft/Sklyarov Crack DMCA/USA                December 18, 2002
LEA                   UK Cops Say Data Retention A Must /I/A           December 18, 2002
LEA Mirror            Cryptome Mirror of Data Retention Doc Above      December 18, 2002
Angel of Death        IRA torturer was in the Royal Marines            December 14, 2002

VIPS                  Volunteers In Police Service, Friday 13          December 13, 2002
Snuff                 Mil Porn of Bombing Running Men (164MB) /R       December 4, 2002
Pats                  The New American Freedom Fighters /D             December 2, 2002
UnSpy                 Eugene OR Rejects UnPatriotic Act Spying /D      December 1, 2002
FRU                   Key secret agent's cover blown in court          December 1, 2002


hmx1-eyeball.htm      Update: Eyeballing Prez Helicopter Marine One    November 30, 2002
dsb112902.htm         Defense Science Board Plans Homeland Coup        November 30, 2002
alqaeda-anthrax.htm   Al Qaeda, Anthrax and Ayman                      November 29, 2002
fru-claimant2.htm     MoD Handler of FRU Killer Stakeknife Named       November 28, 2002

bush-kissoff.htm      Bush Death Kisses 911 Probe                      November 28, 2002
bis112702.txt         BIS Seeks US Chem Weapons Exemption              November 28, 2002
usml112702.txt        US Munitions List Revised for Chem Weapons       November 28, 2002
ussc112702.txt        US Sentencing Commission on Election Fraud       November 28, 2002
pavlovich-win.htm     Pavlovich Wins DeCSS Decision                    November 26, 2002

fru-claimant.htm      Force Research Unit Claimant                     November 24, 2002
hr5005.txt            Homeland Security Act of 2002                    November 23, 2002
hr107-789.txt         Intelligence Funding 2003                        November 23, 2002
mil-suck.htm          How U.S. Think Tanks Interact With The Military  November 23, 2002
whinsec112202.txt     Military and Police Murder/Torture School Meet   November 23, 2002

csspab112102.txt      CompSec and Privacy Panel Meet                   November 23, 2002
nrc-net-911.htm       Internet Showed Resilience in Terrorist Attacks  November 22, 2002
fco-intel.htm         Foreign and Commonwealth Office on Intelligence  November 21, 2002
tsa112002.txt         Operation Safe Commerce, Honk                    November 21, 2002
bis112002.txt         U.S. Protocol on Nuke Security for Others        November 21, 2002

nrc112002.txt         Dirty Bombs: Spent Nuke Fuel Storage Casks       November 21, 2002
tia-wet.htm           Poindexter's Snooping Wet Dream                  November 18, 2002
atm-blackhole.htm     Global ATM Is Blackhole Money Pit                November 17, 2002
cya-terror.htm        Terrorism Warning Overdose                       November 17, 2002
bwc-plan.htm          Biological Weapons Convention Work Plan          November 16, 2002

gilmore-v-usa-swa     Gilmore v. USA - SWAir Tries to Kill Air ID Case November 15, 2002
nrc111502.htm         Nuclear Power Plant Threat Directive             November 15, 2002
us-nuke-threat.htm    US Mushrooms Dirty Nuclear Threat                November 15, 2002
us-bio-threat.htm     US Needles Biological Weapons Threat             November 15, 2002
us-sea-threat.htm     US Foghorns Martime/Port Threat                  November 15, 2002

us-pl-dirty.htm       US Bribes Polish Dirty Cops, Spies, Pols         November 15, 2002
r-v-bright.htm        R v. Martin Bright: HMG Censors Shayler Article  November 14, 2002
you-bad.htm           Everybody A Terrorist to US Military             November 14, 2002
gilmore-v-usa-fmd     Gilmore v. USA - Feds Try to Kill Air ID Case    November 13, 2002
mcm111302.txt         Manual for Courts-Martial Amended                November 13, 2002

pn110602.txt          Prez Notice on WMD                               November 13, 2002
niac110802.txt        National Infrastructure Protection Meet          November 13, 2002
tia-queeg.htm         Total Info by Timesend: Captain Queeg's Marbles  November 10, 2002
r-v-shayler.htm       R v. David Shayler - Public Immunity Certificate November 9, 2002
fincen110602.txt      FinCen Rule on Washing Dirty Money, Not Soft     November 6, 2002

dsb110602.txt         Defense Science Board Secret Meets               November 6, 2002
nsa101702.htm         NSA Director Testimony 17 October 2002           November 4, 2002
nsa-ranks.htm         NSA InfoSec Evaluations                          November 2, 2002
directv-scam.pdf      DirecTV Extortion Scam                           November 2, 2002
specht-v-nscp.htm     Netscape/AOL Lose Invasion of Privacy Case       November 2, 2002

rogue-wmd.htm         Sowing and Reaping WMD Terror                    November 2, 2002
cockpit-fort.htm      Cockpit Maginot                                  November 2, 2002
fbi103102.htm         FBI Frogbarks Cyber Security                     November 2, 2002
fac110102.txt         Today's Terrorists                               November 1, 2002
project-112.htm       SHAD Project 112 Fact Sheets                     November 1, 2002

O f f s i t e 

Lies                  The Military's New War of Words                  November 29, 2002
Peepers               Domestic Spying Pressed /D                       November 29, 2002
CC03                  CodeCon 2003 /L                                  November 23, 2002

Vile                  FISA Appeals Court OKs US Domestic Spying /D     November 21, 2002
Viler                 How the IRS Spies for the FBI /D                 November 21, 2002
Nukes                 Container Security for Rogue Nukes               November 21, 2002
MI5 Ops               MI5 Methods of Gathering Intelligence /G         November 17, 2002
Al-Q Lie              Al Qaeda Lie Detection /G                        November 17, 2002

OBL                   Bin Laden Ghost in the Age of Terrorism /J       November 15, 2002
TIAS-IAO              Total Information Assurance - German /K          November 15, 2002
Info Panic            Open Information Terrifies Secrecy Nuts /R       November 13, 2002
WMD Panic             UK Dossier on Iraq WMD /J                        November 13, 2002
Sats                  US Sats Scan Iraq Every 2 Hours /D               November 11, 2002

MI6 Pal               MI6 'halted bid to arrest bin Laden' /O          November 10, 2002
Doors                 IBM Reports on OS Weaknessess /B                 November 6, 2002
Coplink               Coplink Perps Database                           November 3, 2002
Cop Links             11064 Cops Database                              November 3, 2002
Eqstuff               DirecTV Extortion and Intimidation /M            November 2, 2002

RIPper                Report of the UK Communications Snoop /H         November 2, 2002
Seance                Nurse Robert Flores Post-Dead Letter /P          November 2, 2002
No Games              Anti-New York Olympics /T                        November 2, 2002
Spy Edu               CIA and Scholars /D                              November 2, 2002
Grade D               DoD Failing Base Terrorism Protection            November 2, 2002


va102902.txt          Ranking Cheapmeat Scars of Patriotic Wars        October 30, 2002
nist102902.txt        Optical Resonator for Standoff Spying            October 30, 2002

dos102902.txt         Terrorist Name Brand Boosting                    October 30, 2002
sniper-letter.htm     DC-Area Sniper's Letter to Police Unredacted     October 26, 2002
mi5-saddam.htm        MI5 Saddams Shayler                              October 26, 2002
au-wiretaps.htm       AU Wiretaps Its Citizens x20 US                  October 26, 2002
nima031.htm           NIMA Solicits Stego et al                        October 26, 2002

bpm102402.txt         US Targets Its Foreign Agents                    October 25, 2002
usaid102202.htm       US Bribes Its Foreign Agents                     October 25, 2002
fda102402.txt         Subversive Donor West Nile Workshop              October 25, 2002
usace102402.txt       North Island Naval Air Station Security Zone     October 25, 2002
nrc102402.txt         Ames IA Nuke Garden                              October 25, 2002

tooele.htm            Civilization's Best WMD Dump                     October 22, 2002
dsb102102.txt         Defense Science Board Rolleye                    October 22, 2002
nrc102102.txt         Nuke Threat Deferred to PR Threat                October 22, 2002
bcra102102.txt        Election Reform Glue Sniff                       October 22, 2002
off-prof-back.htm     USG Backs Off on Crypto Regulations              October 21, 2002

palladium-mit.htm     MIT Palladium Presentation                       October 21, 2002
abl-eyeball.htm Eyeballing the Allegany Ballistics Laboratory October 19, 2002 global-id.htm Global ID Card October 19, 2002 af101802.txt USAF EIS for C-5 Aircraft in WV October 19, 2002 uscg101802.txt Security Zone for Maryland Nuke Plant October 19, 2002 uk-gag.htm UK Bans News of MI Assassination Plots October 16, 2002 nih100402.txt Infectious Disease Research Lab EIS October 6, 2002 phsac100402.txt HomeSec Panel Secret Meet October 6, 2002 tele-codes.htm Confidentiality of Old Telegraph Codes October 6, 2002 nrc100402.htm NRC Doubts Nuke Fire Protection Materials October 6, 2002

O f f s i t e

Site Rat              Soldier Pleads in Journo Snitch Case /W          October 21, 2002

Botox                 NYC Dopes Olympics /T                            October 21, 2002
PSPCA                 Predators, Snipers, Posse Comitatus /A           October 20, 2002
RU CW                 Russian Munitions Agency /PH                     October 19, 2002
Truth Or              Can a Hacker Outfox Microsoft? /P                October 19, 2002
PIO                   Papers on Intelligence Oversight /D              October 16, 2002

SHAD                  DoD Tests of Chem-Bio Defenses /G                October 16, 2002
NSS                   Nuclear Security and Safeguards                  October 6, 2002
DBFS                  Dirty Bomb Fact Sheet                            October 6, 2002
Skeet                 Commercial Satellites Threatened                 October 6, 2002
TDC                   The Digital Challenge: Are You Prepared? /P      October 6, 2002


abl-dseis.htm         Airborne Laser Environmental Study               September 23, 2002
usml092302.txt        US Munitions List Revised for Space Items        September 23, 2002

bis092302.txt         Commerce Control List Revised for Space Items    September 23, 2002
fcc092302.txt         Media Facilities Security Council                September 23, 2002
nnsa092302.txt        Nuke Plutonium Pit Initiative                    September 23, 2002
nnsa092002.htm        Nuke Materials Security Shift Okayed             September 22, 2002
uscs092002.txt        Cheap Dell Alien Computers Okayed As American    September 22, 2002

af092002.txt          AF Scientific Board Secret Meets                 September 22, 2002
pn091902.txt          Prez Pounds Terrorism Button                     September 22, 2002
rad.htm               Rebuilding America's Defenses                    September 15, 2002
af1-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the Presidential Air Travel           September 14, 2002
ucam-conn.htm         Cambridge University Web Site Takedown           September 13, 2002

tcpa-bg.htm           Brian Gladman on TCPA Virtues                    September 12, 2002
dnfsb091202.txt       Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Meet           September 12, 2002
sol-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the Statue of Liberty                 September 11, 2002          Italian Terrorist Suspect List, 11 July 2002     September 11, 2002
intel-anon.htm        Intel Patents Anonymity Server                   September 10, 2002

intel-crap.htm        Intel Craps LaGrande                             September 10, 2002
dark-fiber.htm        Dark Fiber: Tracking Critical Internet Culture   September 9, 2002
wipp-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the WIPP Nuclear Waste Target         September 9, 2002
epa090902.txt         EPA to Eyewash WIPP Nuclear Waste Plant          September 9, 2002
sec090902.txt         SEC Rules for Blessing Screw-U Capitalism        September 9, 2002

fbi090902.txt         Crime Prevention and What-Privacy Compact Meet   September 9, 2002
nisa-idl.htm          Peacekeeping and Intelligence: Future Lessons?   September 8, 2002
track-this.htm        Vehicle Tracking Device Detection                September 8, 2002
google-spy.htm        Open Email from Google Watch                     September 8, 2002
cypherpunks10.htm     Cypherpunks 10-Year Party                        September 6, 2002

shank-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing the Flight 93 Assassination Site      September 6, 2002
usa-v-zm-082902.htm   USA v. Moussaoui Hearing Transcript 8/29/02      September 6, 2002
no-fly-911.htm        DC, NY, PA Flight Restrictions on 9/11           September 6, 2002
us-ch-lea.htm         US, Switzerland Sign Financial Spying Pact       September 6, 2002
cargo-id.htm          Ways of Identifying High-Risk Sea Cargo          September 6, 2002

tooele-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing Tooele and Deseret Chemical Depots    September 5, 2002
mi5-dirty.htm         Video to Reveal British Agents and Dirty Tricks  September 5, 2002
marfa-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Marfa v. Chinati Foundation           September 5, 2002
faa090502.htm         FAA/Airlines to Hide Aviation Safety Information September 5, 2002
occ090502.htm         RFC on Plan to Avoid US Financial Collapse       September 5, 2002

cncs090502.txt        Grants for Homeland Spying Training              September 5, 2002
move-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the MOVE Assassination Site           September 5, 2002
hunt-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the Bush Assassination Site (Rev.)    September 4, 2002
carmel-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing the Davidian Assassination Site       September 4, 2002
okc-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the Oklahoma City Assassination Site  September 4, 2002

dallas-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing the Kennedy Assassination Site        September 4, 2002
eo13273.txt           Executive Order on Safeguarding US Ports         September 3, 2002
nuke-uqs.htm          Unique Signal for Nuclear Weapons Safety         September 3, 2002
air22-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing 28 US Airports                        September 2, 2002
sec-con.htm           Security Orgs Violate Customer Privacy           September 2, 2002

O f f s i t e

NSSC                  National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace /R        September 17, 2002
CW                    Cyberwar: How Terrorists Could Defeat the US /K  September 14, 2002
CWSDP                 Chemical Weapons Stockpile Disposal Project      September 12, 2002

VH                    Virtually Helpless /M                            September 12, 2002
SIW                   Thomas Powers: The Secret Intelligence Wars /D   September 12, 2002
WTC Spin 2            Visitors /D                                      September 12, 2002
WTC Spin              Rebuilding WTC Propaganda for $13M /T            September 12, 2002
FISA                  Senate Hearing on the FISA Spying Process        September 11, 2002

MTZ (OK)              More Than Zero /D                                September 9, 2002
PTA Panic             Pushing Drug of Homeland Spying in Schools       September 8, 2002
GAO-02-1021           GAO: State Dept Combats Terrorism Abroad         September 8, 2002
Blocks                Something I Found in NYC /G                      September 6, 2002
WTC                   WTC Aerial 2 August 2002 /D                      September 5, 2002


gao-02-1048r.htm      National Preparedness for Database Spying        August 31, 2002
csspab083002.txt      Computer Systems Security/Privacy Board Meet     August 31, 2002
dsb083002.txt         Defense Science Board Meets: Intel, Space, UXO   August 31, 2002
usa-v-higazy.htm      USA v. Abdallah Higazy                           August 30, 2002
bis082902.txt         EAR Revision for Nuclear Non-Proliferation       August 29, 2002

nps082902.txt         National Park Service Wants FBI Bones            August 29, 2002
nrc082902.htm         Summer Nuclear Plant Spent Fuel Storage Boost    August 29, 2002
pueblo-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing the Pueblo Chemical Weapons Depot     August 28, 2002
bamford-fisc.htm      James Bamford: Washington Bends the Rules        August 27, 2002
sfga-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne)   August 26, 2002

mil-911-study.htm     Military Study of 9/11 Scenario 25 Years Ago     August 26, 2002
nist082602.htm        FIPS 180-2 Secure Hash Standard Approved         August 26, 2002
isoo082602.txt        Information Security Oversight Office Meet       August 26, 2002
whinsec082302.txt     WHINSEC (aka School of the Americas) Meetings    August 26, 2002
trace-gertz.htm       The Trace - Bill Gertz Intel Classified Docs     August 25, 2002

mnwir-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing McGregor Naval Weapons Idust. Reserve August 25, 2002
spying-atus.htm       Readers Respond to AID-NIA Spying Database       August 25, 2002
hatfill-scent.htm     Rigged Hatfill Scent Fed FBI Bloodhounds?        August 24, 2002
bush-no-fly.htm       Bush No-Fly Zones                                August 24, 2002
fisa051702.htm        Spy Court Opinion and Orders May 17, 2002        August 23, 2002

usa-v-rcr-sam.htm     USA v. Richard Reid - Order on SAMs              August 23, 2002
usa-v-naped.txt       USA v. National Police Equipment Sellers         August 22, 2002
cia-raid.htm          Iraqi Consulate Raid Staged by CIA               August 22, 2002
dcsex-082102.txt      DC Sex Offender Register: Power Curs Panic       August 21, 2002
faa082102.htm         Flight Data Recorder Requirements                August 21, 2002

nnsa-ac-2001.htm      Nuclear Security Advisory Panel Meetings 2001    August 21, 2002
digicash-481k.htm     Bankrupt Digicash Makes $481K in 1999            August 20, 2002
ch-ilets-regs.htm     Swiss Regulations for Internet Interceptions     August 20, 2002
terrpanel082002.htm   Meet of Panel on WMD Domestic Response           August 20, 2002
ncpc082002.htm        National Capital Urban Design/Security Plan      August 20, 2002

dot082002.txt         Procedures for Compensation of Air Carriers      August 20, 2002
doe081902.txt         Electrical Transmission Grid Solutions Report    August 20, 2002
cdc081902.txt         Research in Mass Destruction Defense             August 20, 2002
decss-demon2.htm      UK Demon Blindly Buys MPAA DeCSS Bluff           August 19, 2002
home-zeal.htm         Homeland Spying and Leaking                      August 18, 2002

gao-02-955tni.htm     Weaknesses in Force Protection at US Seaports    August 18, 2002
janet-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Janet Airlines Terminal               August 17, 2002
naked-face.htm        Decrypting the Naked Face                        August 17, 2002
dont-doit.htm         Scowcroft: Don't Attack Saddam                   August 16, 2002
red-scare.htm         The New Red Scare                                August 16, 2002

us-covert.htm         US Covert Actions 1947-66                        August 16, 2002
cia-taf.htm           CIA and The Asia Foundation                      August 15, 2002
ic-bugs.htm           Bug Problems in the Intelligence Community       August 15, 2002
wmd-covert.htm        Clandestine Introduction of WMD into the US      August 15, 2002
dunmcc.htm            Deep Underground US Military Command Center      August 15, 2002

polling-op.htm        Polling Opens Government to the Public?          August 15, 2002
phsca081402.txt       Prez HomeSec Panel Meet                          August 14, 2002
hhs081402.txt         Rule on Privacy of Health Information            August 14, 2002
media-email.htm       Thousands of Media Email Addresses               August 14, 2002
usaic-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing the U.S. Army Intelligence Center     August 13, 2002

tips081302.htm        Operation TIPS Update, August 13, 2002           August 13, 2002
nsc011377.htm         NSC Bitches on NSA Home Spying Limits/Leaks 1977 August 13, 2002
ftc081302.htm         Microsoft Unfair Practices Settlement            August 13, 2002
moussaoui-net.htm     Give Moussaoui Internet Site for Evidence        August 13, 2002
daf-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing Nuclear Device Assembly Facilities    August 12, 2002

usda081202.txt        Agricultural Biological Agents and Toxins        August 12, 2002      Free Speech Contents of (227K)  August 11, 2002
hollywood-war.htm     Hollywood's Private War For Social Control       August 10, 2002
usbd-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing US Bullion Depositories               August 10, 2002
naic-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the National Air Intelligence Center  August 10, 2002

de-defiance.htm       Germany's Terrorist Hunt Spurs Biz Defiance      August 9, 2002
uk-spy-codes.htm      UK Covert Spying Codes                           August 9, 2001
oecd-infosec.htm      US Likes OECD Infosec Guidelines                 August 9, 2002
shadow-wolves.htm     Customs Indians Take Tracking Skills Overseas    August 9, 2002
drc-protocol.htm      DRC Political Alliance Defies Mobutu Sese Seko   August 9, 2002

scoffair-bg.htm       City to refuse airport access to scofflaws       August 8, 2002
tsa080802.htm         TransSec Investigative/Enforcement Procedures    August 8, 2002
nmitc-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Naval/Marine Intel Training Center    August 7, 2002
tami-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Unknown Tamiami Station Update        August 7, 2002
rspa080602.htm        High Danger Areas For Gas Transmission Pipelines August 6, 2002

spr-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the Strategic Petroleum Reserve       August 5, 2002
cia-foi-stasi.htm     CIA FOIA Request for STASI Files                 August 5, 2002
dsb080502.txt         DSB Secret Meet on Homeland Nuke Threat, etc.    August 5, 2002
fcc080502.txt         FCC Suspends Child Protection Enforcement        August 5, 2002
uspto080502.txt       Intellectual Property Law Council Meet           August 5, 2002

usace080202.txt       Naval Security Upgrade at Bangor & Newport       August 2, 2002
doe080202.txt         Pantex Nuke Warhead Plant Sewage Decommission    August 2, 2002
ostp080202.txt        Food Safety of New Biotechnology Plants          August 2, 2002
aid-nia-db.htm        AID-NIA Spying Customer Database                 August 2, 2002
bis080102.txt         Call for BIS Export Tech Advisory Members        August 1, 2002

O f f s i t e

Race War              The Price of Homeland Protection /J              August 29, 2002
Spook Oil             Intelligence Technologies Journal                August 29, 2002
Phoenix2              Operation Phoenix Assassin @ Homeland Sec /D     August 28, 2002
1A Win                Free Press v. Ashcroft -- Appeals Court Ruling   August 27, 2002

Fix Is In             Protecting Creative Works in a Digital Age       August 27, 2002
NNSA RnD              National Nuke Security Admin R&D Needs Review    August 26, 2002
Bruce                 Schneier: Why Homeland Security Won't Work       August 26, 2002
One                   A Lonely Voice of Dissent /A                     August 24, 2002
WTW                   Why This War /A                                  August 24, 2002

AWE                   UK Atomic Weapons Establishment Plan /O          August 22, 2002
LX4000                Computerized Polygraph Systems                   August 22, 2002             Exporting LEO Hi-Tech to Russia                  August 22, 2002
Fake War 2            Marine General Quits Over Fake War Win /D        August 22, 2002
Fake War 1            US Prepares for Dread Net War, Again /D          August 22, 2002

Open PGP              Open PGP Software Collection /A                  August 21, 2002
IT Slot               FBI Seeks Info Tech Forensic Examiner /D         August 20, 2002
FIO          /Q                               August 20, 2002
Kill Fux              IWT Bans RIAA From Accessing Its Network /R      August 20, 2002
EU Vile               EU Plan for Compulsory Data Retention /T         August 20, 2002

RU FBI                Russia Investigates FBI Outlaw Hacker /R         August 19, 2002
Z or H                Anthrax killer 'is US defence insider' /B        August 19, 2002   
Is Z Zack             Is Anthrax Killer Zack Not Hatfill? /B           August 19, 2002
PGP 2                 Pretty Good Privacy Reborn /R                    August 19, 2002
TMH                   The Memory Hole /E                               August 19, 2002

Perp Hole             NASA to Read Terrorists' Minds at Airports /S    August 17, 2002
Eye Google            Google Watch /D                                  August 17, 2002
DBCP                  RFC on Digital Broadcast Content Protection /D   August 16, 2002
E-Crime               E-Crime Scene Investigation /M                   August 15, 2002
NatSec 64-68          US National Security Policy 1964-68              August 15, 2002

BHB                   BlackHatBloc: Hacker Class War /G                August 15, 2002
Nod Off               The College Lecture Naptime May Be Fading        August 14, 2002
Mock Mock             Mock cyberwar fails to end mock civilization /T  August 14, 2002
Paul Kocher           Digital Content Protection Method and Apparatus  August 13, 2002
MS DRM                Microsoft Needs Help with Palladium /KH          August 13, 2002

Yep 2                 Terror threat overblown, says expert /J          August 10, 2002
Yep                   Are Politics Built Into Architecture?            August 10, 2002
Ouch                  Central Command Missing Top Secret Laptops /V    August 9, 2002
DTV                   FCC Rule: Digital Broadcast Copy Protection /S   August 9, 2002
RaFa                  NASA Sensitive Files Hacked /D                   August 9, 2002

OIG                   OECD Infosec Guidelines                          August 9, 2002
Har                   TIPS Least Wanted /J                             August 8, 2002
Al Udeid              Eyeballing Oil War Preparations /M               August 8, 2002
PinP                  Primality in P                                   August 8, 2002
NGZ                   Not Ground Zero                                  August 5, 2002

Panic Biz             Homeland Security Technology Expo                August 5, 2002
FUI 1                 Friendly fire deaths: US pilots 'on speed' /S    August 5, 2002
FUI 2                 Flying Drugged Manual                            August 5, 2002
MI Turf               Rumsfeld Hopes to Boss $28B MI Turfs             August 3, 2002
NYC Turf              NYC and Feds Turf War Downtown Security          August 3, 2002

Spy Notes             CIA: A Compendium of Analytic Tradecraft Notes   August 3, 2002
Spy Up                Spying to Shine Bosses /M                        August 2, 2002             
Wright                Another FBI Agent Blows the Whistle /S           August 2, 2002
SP800-48              Draft Wireless Network Security Standard         August 1, 2002

JULY 2002

gao-02-989t.htm       GAO: US Efforts to Combat Nuclear Smuggling      July 31, 2002
anlw-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Argonne National Laboratory-West      July 31, 2002
dod-comic.htm         SecWar: Carnage, Wastage, Chuckles and Laughs    July 31, 2002
nrc073102.htm         Nuke Operators Balk at Nat Sec Extortion         July 31, 2002

pcast073102.htm       PCAST Emergency on Homeland Sec Sci-Tech         July 31, 2002
faa073002.txt         FAA Space Launch Licensing/Safety Requirements   July 31, 2002
doe073002.txt         RFC Radioisotope Power System Location           July 31, 2002
ao-cu-sigint.htm      Angolan-Cuban SIGINT Update                      July 31, 2002
cfr073002.htm         US Media Dumbest Urge Dumber Cold War 2          July 31, 2002

wtc073002.jpg         WTC Panorama 30 July 2002 (525KB)                July 30, 2002
wtc073002.mpg         10 sec video WTC Panorama 30 July 2002 (977KB)   July 30, 2002
ccen073002.htm        Citizen Corps E-News - July 30, 2002             July 30, 2002
usa-v-mh-dkt.htm      USA v. Mohammed Hammoud et al/CSE-Echelon Taps   July 30, 2002
auerbach-icann.htm    Decision in Auerbach v. ICANN                    July 29, 2002

fec072902.txt         Prohibited Campaign Contributions, Wink          July 29, 2002
dsb072902.txt         Defense Science Board on BioTerror/Interference  July 29, 2002
fcc072902.txt         Radar Detectors v. Satellites                    July 29, 2002
uscs072902.txt        Customs Agent Access to Airport Secure Areas     July 29, 2002
lockerbie-hide.htm    Intel Secrets of the Lockerbie Disaster          July 28, 2002

usa-v-zm-moi.htm      USA v. Moussaoui - Moussaoui's Motions           July 27, 2002
usa-v-zm-072502.htm   USA v. Moussaoui - Transcript 7/25/02            July 26, 2002
usa-v-zm-071802.htm   USA v. Moussaoui - Transcript 7/18/02            July 26, 2002
usa-v-zm-071502.htm   USA v. Moussaoui - Transcript 7/15/02            July 26, 2002
usa-v-zm-062502.htm   USA v. Moussaoui - Transcript 6/25/02            July 26, 2002

usa-v-zm-061302.htm   USA v. Moussaoui - Transcript 6/13/02            July 26, 2002
wtc-foia.htm          WTC Initial Planning Study FOIA Material         July 26, 2002
nmls072502.htm        U.S. Releases New Anti-Money Laundering Strategy July 26, 2002
af072502.txt          Air Force Rapid Deep Attack Secret Meet          July 26, 2002
Finnlist.pdf          Finnish List of FBI Terrorist Suspects, 3/10/01  July 24, 2002

doj072402.txt         Fed Deputies During a Mass Influx of Aliens      July 24, 2002
tsa072402.txt         Certification of Explosives Detection Systems    July 24, 2002
ftc072402.txt         FTC Workshop on Internet Anti-Competitiveness    July 24, 2002
patriot-rules.htm     PATRIOT Act Rules: Currency/Foreign Transactions July 24, 2002
alneda-wet.htm Wet Dream                             July 23, 2002

alneda-up.htm Back Online as Porn Site              July 22, 2002
ornl-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Oak Ridge National Laboratory         July 21, 2002
wtc-listen.jpg        WTC Redevelopment Listening 20 July 2002 (770KB) July 20, 2002
ao-cu-sigint.htm      Angolan/Cuban Signals Intelligence 1987-1988     July 20, 2002
ths071702.htm         Counterterrorism Intel Performance Prior to 9-11 July 19, 2002

wtc071702-1.jpg       WTC Panorama 17 July 2002 (788KB)                July 18, 2002
wtc071702-2.jpg       WTC 180-Panorama 17 July 2002 (1.3MB)            July 18, 2002
freetotravel.htm      John Gilmore Sues USA on Travel ID               July 18, 2002
wtc-6plans.htm        Proposed Plans for WTC Redevelopment             July 17, 2002
msbr-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing Mississippi River Bridges             July 16, 2002

doj071602.htm         Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force      July 16, 2002
noaa071602.htm        NOAA Finding on Naval SURTASS Surveillance       July 16, 2002
faa071502.txt         Meet on Foreign Aircraft Flightdeck Security     July 16, 2002
palladium-amd.htm     Palladium's Helpers at AMD and Wave              July 15, 2002
bnl-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing Brookhaven National Laboratory        July 14, 2002

wmd-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing DoD WMD Contractors                   July 14, 2002
alneda-notes.htm Archive Notes                         July 13, 2002
dod-kbr.htm           Halliburton's Terrorism Contracts                July 13, 2002
al-neda.htm  Website Archive                       July 12, 2002
cdc071202.txt         Public Health Security Notice                    July 12, 2002

mere-4600.htm         U.S. to Cut Total Strategic Warheads to 4,600    July 11, 2002
eo13271.txt           Prez Order on Others Corruption                  July 11, 2002
dos071102.txt         Grants for Reducing US and Others Chauvinism     July 11, 2002
ms-drm-os2.htm        Microsoft's 2nd Digital Rights Management Patent July 11, 2002
hanford-eyeball.htm   Eyeballing Hanford Nuclear Reservation           July 9, 2002

istac070902.txt       InfoSys Technical Advisory Panel Meet            July 9, 2002
hatfill-spd.htm       Hatfill - Self-aggrandizing Killer or Fall Guy?  July 8, 2002
cablew-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing US Transpacific Cable Landings        July 9, 2002
prez-eyeball.htm      Eyeballing the Prez Homes in Texas and Maine     July 8, 2002
dsb070802.txt         Defense Science Board Secret Meets               July 8, 2002

doe070802.txt         Nevada Solar Dish Power Project                  July 8, 2002
verint-spysys.htm     Verint Spying Products by Comverse Infosys       July 7, 2002
verispy.htm           VeriSign Offers CALEA Spying Services            July 6, 2002
mi-career.htm         Military Intelligence as a Career                July 6, 2002
usa070502.txt         Army Licenses Ricin Vaccine                      July 6, 2002

faa070502.htm         FAA: Third Party War Risk Liability Insurance    July 6, 2002
gao-02-889r.htm       GAO: Nuclear Weapon Reports Need Improvement     July 5, 2002
energy-eyeball.htm    Eyeballing US Energy Markets                     July 5, 2002
disaster-train.htm    The Disaster Train by Steven Hatfill             July 4, 2002
nytel-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Downtown Manhattan Telephone Hubs     July 4, 2002

drm-petard.htm        NYT: DRM Chips Can Harm Proponents               July 4, 2002
cable-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing US Transatlantic Cable Landings       July 4, 2002
damsw-eyeball.htm     Eyeballing Dams of the US West                   July 4, 2002
oil-eyeball.htm       Eyeballing the Hidden Oil Patch                  July 3, 2002
fda070302.txt         Food Terrorism Workshop                          July 3, 2002

ta070302.txt          Workshop on Digital Rights Technology            July 3, 2002
nrc070302.txt         Maine Yankee Nuclear Plant Dump                  July 3, 2002
eo13268.txt           Prez: Scratch Taliban from Panic List            July 3, 2002
dos070302.txt         Colin Powell: Adds to Panic List                 July 3, 2002
is-z-hatfill.htm      Is Mr. Z Anthrax Scientist Steven Hatfill?       July 3, 2002

zawahri-wsj.htm       Zawahri the Root of Al Qaeda Terror              July 2, 2002
faa070202.htm         FAA Funds for Cockpit Door Security              July 2, 2002
usa070202.htm         Chem/Bio Weapons/Dugway Proving Ground DEIS      July 2, 2002
dos070202.txt         State Lifts Afghan Arms Controls                 July 2, 2002
nrc070102.htm         Security at Nuclear Gaseous Diffusion Plants     July 1, 2002

O f f s i t e

CSE2002               CSE Annual Report 2001-2002 /D                   July 31, 2002

mine-map            ^ Mine Map Falsified?                              July 30, 2002
ozzfest             ^ Ozzfest Defense                                  July 30, 2002
infranet            ^ Web Camouflage Beats Censors                     July 30, 2002
fia                 ^ (No) Future Imagery Architecture                 July 30, 2002
Warmakers             The Chickenhawk Database /S                      July 29, 2002

Bypass                How to Beat FBI Polygraph /G                     July 28, 2002
Spit                  CIA CYA: Raid Journalists to Stop Leaks          July 28, 2002
Dunn                  A Terrifying Vision Of Towering Infernos /D      July 26, 2002
TSA                   GAO: Problems with Aviation Security             July 26, 2002
CFR2012               Council on Foreign Relations: NYC Olympics /T    July 25, 2002

WTC News              WTC Reconstruction Report /B                     July 24, 2002
MoD                   HoC UK Defence and Security Report /O            July 24, 2002
UBL Ape               Conservatives Fear Ashcroft's Terrorism          July 24, 2002
USSC                  Report on US/China Security Economics            July 24, 2002
LES                   Law Enforcement Sensitive Terrorist List /J      July 23, 2002
Note: It appears a block has been set against Cryptome for the doc above. It remains
accessible directly by Netscape and Explorer but no longer from the Cryptome link.

Or get Cryptome's mirror:

CIP Awry              GAO: Critical Infrastructure Protection Faulty   July 22, 2002

TCPA GnB              How to Correct What's Wrong with TCPA /W         July 22, 2002
Carnival Booth        Algorithm Defeats Airline Passenger Screening    July 22, 202
4GW                   Military Responses to 4th Generation Warfare /R  July 21, 2002
IAO                   Information Awareness Office                     July 19, 2002
Home War              Preparing the Army for Homeland Security /D      July 17, 2002

For Now               Postal Service Claims to Reject TIPS Snitch /C   July 17, 2002
Noshit2               'Hacker' Security Built on FBI Snitches /T       July 17, 2002
MWPP                  Microsoft White Paper on Palladium /D            July 17, 2002
T5                    Terrorism Threats Tactics Training Technology /B July 16, 2002
NSHS                  National Strategy for Homeland Spying /R         July 16, 2002

Fat Axis              Newt Gingrich Spitshines Axis of Warlovers       July 15, 2002
Eyeball 2             US Wants 1 in 24 Americans as Citizen Spies /B   July 14, 2002
Eyeball 1             The Cops Are Watching You /P                     July 14, 2002
NIA1                  National Intelligence Academy /S                 July 13, 2002
NIA2                  National Intelligence Academy Spy v. Spy         July 13, 2002

NIA3                  NIA As CIA Front                                 July 13, 2002
NIA4                  CIA National Intelligence Academy                July 13, 2002
NIA5                  CIA National Intelligence University             July 13, 2002
1A Perp               Free Joel Mowbray! /P                            July 13, 2002
PLA                   DoD 2002 Report On Chinese Military Power        July 12, 2002

ETSI A5/3             ETSI Implements 3GPP/A5/3 Cipher /A              July 12, 2002
A5/3                  A5/3: F8/F9/Kasumi Algorithms /A                 July 12, 2002
OST                   Office of Special Technology Needs Help /G       July 9, 2002 
MPD                   Microsoft Palladium Details /K                   July 9, 2002
MSH                   NSA Maritime SIGINT Handbook /B                  July 9, 2002

HackSec               Hacker Panic Attack /A                           July 8, 2002
flag                ^ Eyeballing 400,000 Larkspurs                     July 8, 2002
EMB                   Enhanced Blast Weapons /J                        July 8, 2002
SFWE                  Shoulder-Fired Weapons Enhancements /J           July 8, 2002
Shmel                 Thermobaric Russian RPO-A/Z/D Shmel /J           July 8, 2002

TBW                   Thermobaric Weapons Threat /J                    July 8, 2002
FAE                   Fuel Air Explosive Systems /J                    July 6, 2002
Verint                Verily Interception                              July 6, 2002 
FBI Guide             CALEA Spying Guide, Third Edition                July 6, 2002
tunnels             ^ Penn Station Tunnel Dangers Still Uncorrected    July 5, 2002

manuscript          ^ Oxford Acquires Rare Islamic Atlas               July 5, 2002
JDO                   Jewish Defense Org on Steven Hatfill /A          July 5, 2002
Infowar               Nuke Photographer Threatened with Treason /D     July 4, 2002
UCIA                  New CIA University /D                            July 4, 2002
Noshit                FBI and Cops Lied, Juror Says /P                 July 4, 2002

Kill Joy              America's Army of One, The Killing Game /S       July 4, 2002
Perps                 GAO Report on Arming Airline Pilots              July 2, 2002
Mr. Z                 Anthrax? the FBI Yawns                           July 2, 2002
finder              ^ Cell Phone Mapping                               July 2, 2002
EOP                   GAO Reviews Prez Office Info Systems             July 2, 2002

Bye-bye               John Gilmore: It's Time for ICANN to Go /A       July 2, 2002
MSpy                  Microsoft's Long Nose /T                         July 2, 2002
in-q-tel            ^ New At In-Q-Tel                                  July 1, 2002
aag-sec             ^ Geographers Interrogate Homeland Security        July 1, 2002
buy-spy             ^ Commercial Imagery to Ease Spook Load            July 1, 2002

LONPR                 List of Operating Nuclear Power Reactors         July 1, 2002
PNPM                  Protection of Nuclear Plants and Materials       July 1, 2002
GNIRD                 Guarding Nuclear NatSec Info/Restricted Data     July 1, 2002
GSC-IC                NIST: Smart Card-Interoperability Specification  July 1, 2002
ECCN                  What is an Export Control Classification Number? July 1, 2002